Wednesday, October 31, 2012

43% OFF?! -- 43 Years of Bookselling -- SAVE BIG for a Limited Time Only

***Our Anniversary Sale ends THIS FRIDAY,  November 1st, at 8 p.m. ***

Greetings, Book Lover!

How long have you been coming to Curious?
This week marks our 43rd anniversary!

To celebrate, we're showing our age and giving you a great deal:

43% OFF All Used Items $43 and Under
20% OFF Everything Else - Including New Titles and Tshirts!

Come to Curious and congratulate Ray Walsh on 43 years in business.
He'll be at Curious from 3 - 7:30 p.m. this Friday and (probably) Saturday.

This limited-time-only sale is a great opportunity to do some early holiday shopping.
We have beautiful, gift-quality items for book lovers of all ages - but they're going fast! 
Browse around in Curious and find unique gifts for that special bibliophile in your life.

Please feel free to leave friendly comments
regarding our birthday on our Facebook page.
You can also contact us through Facebook if
you'd like help finding a specific book or
paper item, a holiday gift, or if you'd like to
add to our online shop reviews by happy customers.

Did you know that we have THREE FLOORS?
We're not just a book shop - we also have
comics, magazines, movie posters, ephemera,
sports programs and memorabilia and more!
Also, don't forget about the upcoming Great Pumpkin Walk!
Thursday, October 25th from 5 pm - 7 pm.
We're pulling out our spooky Halloween decorations and will be
dressed in literary-related costumes while we hand out goodies!
Find out more about East Lansing's fun Halloween event for the whole family:

Shop Hours:
Monday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Sundays 12 - 5 p.m.

It has been a pleasure to serve the East Lansing, Lansing, MSU and LCC communities.
We look forward to many more book-filled years to come.

Many, many thanks.
We hope to see you soon!

If you wish to receive our newsletters in your email inbox, let us know!

Ray's Reviews: Red Jacket by Joseph Heywood & The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom

 Two new books by Michigan authors are timely and thought-provoking.

     "Red Jacket" by Portage author and MSU graduate Joseph Heywood (Lyons Press, $24.95) focuses on the challenges facing Lute Bapcat, a trapper and former cowboy who also served with Theodore Roosevelt's Rough Riders.

     In 1913, Bapcat is asked by Roosevelt to become Deputy Game Fish and Forestry Warden for Houghton and Keweenaw counties in upper Michigan.

     As one of the state's first game wardens, Bapcat has to deal with many assorted issues. His life is made significantly more difficult as problems escalate between devious copper mine owners and angry immigrant mine workers who want to strike.

     Deer are being slaughtered and their carcasses left behind, depriving strikers of a potential food supply. As Bapcat and his Russian sidekick Zakov investigate, they discover unusual allegiances, crooked cops and clever cover-ups.

     Heywood, who's written eight books in his popular Grady Service "Woods Cop" series, deftly combines fact with fiction by using some real individuals as characters, such as athlete George Gipp and union organizer Mother Jones. Heywood even comes up with an usual explanation for the cause behind the horrific Italian Hall disaster which claimed 73 lives.

     The author pays a lot of attention to historical detail; at times it's difficult to keep track of all of the characters. This is the first volume in a realistic new series, which should only increase Heywood's popularity.
     Mitch Albom, one of America's best-selling authors, won't have to worry much either - his loyal fans will certainly be pleased.

     His latest novel, "The Time Keeper" (Hyperion, $24.99), is told in a fast-paced, sometimes choppy style that showcases Dor, the inventor of the world's first clock.

     The fable has Dor being punished for trying to measure God's greatest gift. He's banished to a cave for centuries, where he's forced to hear Mankind's innumerable requests for more time.

     Amazingly, he doesn't go completely crazy, but he is obsessed and eventually becomes Father Time. He's given a chance to prove himself by teaching two mortals the true meaning of time.

     The rest of the slim novel is set in the present, with Dor trying to help a struggling teenage girl and a dying billionaire discover the true value of time.

     While undeniably a tearjerker, Albom's timely tale is both enjoyable and thought provoking; if you have no great expectations, reading it is time well spent.
Ray Walsh, owner of East Lansing's Curious Book Shop, 
has reviewed Michigan books and crime novels regularly since 1987.

This review was originally published by the Lansing State Journal on October 21, 2012

Ray's Reviews: The Glory Years of the Detroit Tigers 1920 - 1950 by William D. Anderson

   Loyal, die-hard Detroit Tiger fans still have a good reason to be happy - there's a great new book out that should provide hours of entertaining enjoyment.

     "The Glory Years of the Detroit Tigers 1920 - 1950" by noted baseball historian William D. Anderson (Wayne State University Press $39.95) provides a fascinating look at three exciting and memorable decades of the popular baseball team.

     Anderson has done significant research on this subject and includes hundreds of previously unpublished photographs from the Detroit News archives.

     His smoothly flowing narrative is broken down into six categories, beginning with a chapter that examines the challenges of Spring Training, which took place in seven different states.

     Franchise stars are deftly covered in detail, showcasing the contributions of Ty Cobb, Harry Heilmann, Heinie Manush, Charlie Gehringer, Mickey Cochrane, Goose Goslin and even George Kell.

     Anderson's chapter "The Supporting Cast" offers brief biographical glimpses of many different players who weren't major stars, including a colorful study of erratic baserunner Gee Walker, who was a great hitter.

     Pitchers aren't forgotten, with Anderson offering insights into the careers of Schoolboy Rowe, Bob Newsome, Dizzy Trout and numerous others.

     Another chapter titled "Moments of Glory and Notable Games" explores the World Series efforts of the Detroit Tigers, who won four American League pennants and two World Championships in a 12-year time-span.

     The exceptional use of large, clear photographs make the entire time period vividly come to life; Anderson also added crisp images from his personal collection.

     "The War Years" chapter captures many of the challenges facing the Detroit Tigers and the major leagues during the World War II era, with interesting letters from assorted players and staff members.

     The last section describes the old ballpark and changes that occurred over 30 years, as ownership shifted and Navin Field became Briggs Stadium.

     Anderson is the retired founding Director of the Michigan Department of History, Arts and Libraries and is the past president of the Historical Society of Michigan.

     He's the author or editor of ten books, including "The Detroit Tigers, A Pictorial Celebration of the Greatest Players and Moments in Detroit Tiger History", published by Wayne State University Press in 2008. However, that book may have to be re-released soon in a revised edition.

Ray Walsh, owner of East Lansing's Curious Book Shop, 

is a longtime Detroit Tigers fan who's reviewed books regularly since 1987.

This review was originally published by the Lansing State Journal on Sunday, October 28, 2012.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Press Release: 56th Michigan Antiquarian Book & Paper Show THIS SUNDAY at the Lansing Center

The 56th Michigan Antiquarian Book & Paper Show
Presented by the Mid-Michigan Antiquarian Book Dealers Association
Sunday, October 7th 2012 - From 9:30 to 5:00 p.m.
At the Lansing Center (333 Michigan Ave. Lansing, MI)

75 dealers from 7 states will be offering for sale an incredible number of old books and paper items at the 56th Michigan Antiquarian Book & Paper Show.

     Twice a year book & paper enthusiasts of all kinds come together in Lansing to search through books, postcards, magazines, posters and more. If it’s on paper you’re likely to find it at the Michigan Antiquarian Book & Paper Show. This massive hunt for hidden treasure is “a mind-boggling experience”, as Bill Triola of Lansing said. “Like walking through the Library of Congress ...”  Unlike the Library of Congress, you have the opportunity (for anywhere from 50 cents to $5,000) to take a piece of that history home with you. This is a wonderful opportunity for everyone from beginning collectors to die-hard history buffs with items dating back just a few years to centuries. If you're seeking a favorite book from childhood or a beloved poet, a historical map or a Civil War era newspaper, a 1950s car brochure or a classic movie poster - this is the place to be. You’ll find things you always wanted but never new existed. There is also plenty of seating, live music featuring Dan Kuczek on acoustic guitar, and a concessions stand. Admission is $4.50 per person; kids 13 and under get in for free. Join the fun at the Lansing Center, 333 East Michigan Avenue, on Sunday, April 1, for - as one customer put it - "nice, friendly people and, of course, lots and lots of interesting books".

Lansing City Pulse's Book & Paper Show Guide / Program available online:

Contact Us:
Mid-Michigan Antiquarian Book Dealers Association
Ray Walsh (Organizer) 517.285.0900
Ruth Tepin (Organizer) 517.332.0123
Show Webpage:

About the Mid-Michigan Antiquarian Book Dealers Association:
Affiliated with Curious Book Shop in East Lansing, MI, we put on the Michigan Antiquarian Book & Paper Show twice a year and publish the Michigan Antiquarian Book Dealers and Book Binders Directory annually.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Big Book Show THIS SUNDAY! - October Sales - Happy Birthday, Curious! - October 2012 Curiosities Newsletter

Greetings, Book Lover!
    October is a month of special sales at Curious.
From October 3rd through the 10th, ALL USED ITEMS are 20% OFF.

Beginning October 11th, take 30% OFF Horror, Humor, Health & Hunting items.
Later this month, we will celebrate our 43rd anniversary with a series of special discounts.
Call the shop (517.332.0112) or visit our Facebook page to learn about the current special offers.

The 56th Michigan Antiquarian Book & Paper Show is THIS SUNDAY!
Join us for a day full of fascinating finds and kindred spirits at the Lansing Center!

This show is for everybody! Make a day of perusing an astounding selection of books,
postcards, photographs, magazines, posters, military and Michigan history items,
sports memorabilia, and a fantastic selection of ephemera.

There will be over 65 book and paper dealers and specialists in attendance.
To learn more, please visit the show webpage, or stop by the shop!

Doors open 9:30 a.m. The show closes at 5 p.m.
Admission is $4.50. Children 13 and Under are FREE.
The Lansing Center, 333 E. Michigan Avenue, Lansing, MI.

Program Guides are available at Curious, The Archives, and in the
current issue of the Lansing City Pulse - and online!

Can't make it this weekend?
The next show will be on Sunday, April 7, 2013.
Mark your calendar! 

Curious will CLOSE EARLY, at 6 p.m., on Saturday, October 6th.
Curious will be OPEN on Sunday, 12 - 5.
Curious will be CLOSED on Monday the 8th, for Employee Appreciation Day.
We resume our regular hours on Tuesday, October 9th.

New Acquisitions:

Fine art books; film theory and criticism; beautifully illustrated children's books;
poetry; general fiction paperbacks; science fiction & fantasy; philosophy;
yoga & meditation; Eastern religion; horror; mystery paperbacks; botany;
Michigan history; military history; and more!

We also have a selection of first edition hardcovers by Harry Turtledove,
which he SIGNED last month at the World Science Fiction Convention.

Shop News & Gossip:

The Science Fiction & Fantasy section is chock-full of new acquisitions!
We've added nearly 100 new titles in the past week. 

- - - - -

What do the the Dictionary, the Bible,
the Harry Potter books, and The Shining have in common?

They're all banned books!
Come celebrate National Book Month and
Banned Book Week at the Curious Book Shop.
There are dozens of banned books on display,
along with information about when, where and why they were banned.

- - - - - 

This October marks the 43rd birthday of Curious Book Shop!

Ray Walsh began selling books in 1969, when he was a student at MSU.
He was originally located on campus as part of the Man & Nature Book Shop.
Soon after, he opened up shop above Cunningham Drug Store and later 
moved to 541 East Grand River, below Paramount News. 

In 1973 we moved to our current location, 307 East Grand River Ave. 
We've been supplying rare, unique and gently used books to the 
Greater Lansing community ever since. 

Don't let our age fool you, book lover. We acquire strange and wonderful
new books every day. We never know when the next special book
or paper item will come along. Curious looks much the same as it did years 
ago, but our stock of books is constantly changing and full of surprises.

Over the years, Curious has played host to a myriad of literary giants,
(including Stan Lee, Harlan Ellison, Kate Wilhelm, William X. Kienzle 
and Kim Stanley Robinson) and is a favorite hang-out for local writers 
and book lovers. 

Show your support for Curious Book Shop by wearing your favorite 
Curious t-shirt to the shop! They're available in a variety of sizes 
and colors, with more coming next week.

- - - - - 

Congratulations to former Curious employee and award-winning
Science Fiction and Fantasy author, Nnedi Okorafor, 
winner of the 2012 Kindred Award!

Community Events:

Autumn is upon us in lovely East Lansing!
The trees are changing, the air is crisp, and pumpkins abound.

The MSU Homecoming Parade is Friday, October 12th.
The Spartans take on Iowa at Spartan Stadium on the 13th.
We encourage visiting alumni to visit Curious for a dose of nostalgia.

The Great Pumpkin Walk, a favorite event at Curious,
will be on Thursday, October 25th. Dress up, bring the family
and enjoy an evening in Downtown East Lansing.

Don't forget! Curious offers gift certificates for young readers,
through the Capital Area District Libraries and the East Lansing Public Library,
for their young readers program. Ask your librarian for details.
October's Literary Birthdays:

Oct. 1: Tim O'Brien
Oct. 2: Wallace Stevens, Mahatma Gandhi, Graham Greene
Oct. 3: Mikhail Lermontov, Thomas Wolfe, James Herriot, Gore Vidal
Oct. 4: Kazauki Takahashi, Anne Rice, Edward Stratemeyer
Oct. 5: Denis Diderot
Oct. 8: Frank Herbert, R.L. Stine
Oct. 11: Elmore Leonard
Oct. 13: Conrad Richter
Oct. 14: Katherine Mansfield, e e cummings
Oct. 15: Virgil, John Kenneth Galbraith, Arthur Schlesinger, Mario Puzo
Oct. 16: Gunter Grass), Oscar Wilde, Noah Webster
Oct. 17: Arthur Miller
Oct. 18: Wendy Wasserstein
Oct. 19: John Le Carre
Oct. 21: Ursula K. LeGuin
Oct. 22: Doris Lessing
Oct. 23: Michael Crichton
Oct. 25: Anne Tyler
Oct. 26: Pat Conroy
Oct. 27: Dylan Thomas, Sylvia Plath
Oct. 28: Ivan Turgenev, John Locke
Oct. 30: Ezra Pound, Fjodor Dostoevsky
Oct. 31: John Keats, Dick Francis

Please accept our gratitude for your continued support of this local, independent book shop.
Without loyal readers like you, we would have disappeared long ago.

Many thanks, and we hope to see you soon!
Ray, Audrey and the Curious Gang

If you would like to be added to our monthly mailing list, please email us.